Installing Squidguard On Windows

2020. 2. 20. 03:00카테고리 없음

Installing Squidguard On Windows

Installing Squidguard On Windows

Step by step configure SQUID proxy to block HTTP request to specific web pagesor web site.This article show step to configure Squid proxy server to block client from accessing specific web address (toblock URL address).Open and edit the configuration file of Squid proxy server that usually locatedunder /etc/squid/squid.conf.1. Find and edit ACCESS CONTROLpart and put in the ( acl badurl dstdomain '/etc/squid/bad-sites.squid') as shown in example below.# ACCESS CONTROLS# -.


I am not overly familiar with SquidGuard, but I have some suggestions. Can the user you are running Squid as, typically 'squid', execute the squidGuard binary?

What error messages do you get in the Squid and/or SquidGuard logs? I've also had this recommended to me.Lastly, have you posted your question to the Squid or SquidGuard mailing lists? The regulars there will almost certainly be able to help you - though always remember the basic rule of support - provide all the possible information you can about your Squid, SquidGuard, operating system and general configurations.Load MoreRelated Q&A fromA user wants to implement OSSEC on a Windows server because he has no server side Linux operating system.Solaris 10 Trusted Extensions and SELinux are best suited to different system requirements and administrator skill sets. Our security expert explains.Configuring spam filters Spamassassin and dspam together in the email server Postfix is easy with the resources listed by our security expert.Have a question for an expert?Please add a title for your questionGet answers from a TechTarget expert on whatever's puzzling you. Add a title You will be able to add details on the next page.